
liverstream事件 毕业典礼是6月14日,星期五



6月14日星期五 at 9:30 AM

Steinberg Athletic Complex (足球场)

>> Watch the livestream of the Class of 2024 Commencement ceremony.

毕业生, 家庭, 教师, 工作人员, and 受托人
See below for more details on what you need to know, schedules, and more.



Post Commencement: An email with the links to the professional photos and video will be sent to the Class of 2024 graduates and families in the last week of June.

We’ll be updating this page as more information becomes available so check back often!




  • 到达时间:上午8点 
  • 到达地点: 诺沃格拉茨体育馆,三楼. Breakfast, robing, lining up all happens in the Novogratz.
  • 帽子: 帽子可以装饰. 如果你决定这么做,你 必须 bring your cap for vetting during rehearsal practices either on 星期四,2024年5月30日或6月12日.
  • 2024届学生合影:上午9:15. Assemble on turf outside Novogratz for Class of 2024 photo. 如果下雨,请在学生中心集合.
  • 队伍: 毕业生 will process in pairs from the Novogratz gym, 穿过大楼, out to the walkway between the baseball and softball fields, to the Steinberg Athletic Complex (足球场).
  • 服装: 毕业典礼是一个正式的场合. Please choose attire that is apropos for the importance of this milestone event. Avoid denim, flip-flops, shorts, or other overly casual clothes.
  • 接待: Reception to immediately follow the Commencement Ceremony. 将提供茶点. If Commencement moves indoors, the Reception will be canceled.
  • 雨: 雨水可能是一个因素. Please keep that in mind for headgear and footwear. Poly will provide ponchos for you to wear over your gowns in the event of rain.




  • 辍学毕业生: 8:00 AM 
  • 停车: Angled parking along 7th Avenue as directed by Security team.
  • 输入:上午8:45 through pedestrian gate by Steinberg Athletic Complex (足球场).  寻找标记入口的气球.
  • 座位: 毕业游行在 9:40 AM. 你 必须入座 在此之前. No one will be allowed to enter the seating area while the procession is taking place. 请确保您的座位在旁边 9:30 AM.
  • 仪式: 始于 10:00 AM
  • 接待: Reception to immediately follow the Commencement Ceremony. 将提供茶点. If Commencement moves indoors, the Reception will be canceled.
  • 可访问性: 适用于行动不便的人 other guest assistance is needed, please contact 艾米·施兰斯基83届,22届 by 4:00 PM on 2024年6月10日,星期一.
  • 无论晴雨: 根据天气穿衣服! Ponchos will be available for all guests as needed. 更多信息见下文.
  • 嘉宾人数: 如果举行仪式 在户外 按计划,有 不限家庭客人可以参加. If thunderstorms are in the forecast and we need to 转向室内仪式, due to space limitations, families will be allowed 仅限4位有票的客人.
  • 摄影/视频: A professional photographer and videographer will be capturing this important day. We ask that everyone remain seated once Commencement begins. Photos will be made available to families.
  • 转播画面: 家庭 and friends may stream the event remotely. Link will be live shortly before ceremony begins.

注意: In case of thunderstorms, we will move the event indoors to the Chapel; each family will be 限4位已购票的客人. 门票将以数码方式发出.  We are keeping a close eye on the weather and will send detailed updates if the ceremony moves indoors.

Student Processional 2023届毕业生 Commencement
教师 & 员工开始



  • 到达时间:上午8:30
  • 到达地点: 遗产体育馆,三楼. Breakfast and lining up all happens in the Legacy Gym. Lineup is by order of appointment at Poly, beginning with the longest serving faculty. Robing for those noted below also happens in the Legacy.
  • 衣服: The following faculty members will wear robes: Assistant Head of School, 学者, 低年级校长, 中学校长, 高中校长, 艺术总监, 学院院长, DEIB主任, 教师播音员.
  • 停车: 把车停在校园前面92街的大门会打开.
  • 早餐: 将提供茶点.
  • 排队: 9:30 AM— 教师 lead the procession led by Michael Junsch ’71, P’94, ’95. Line up according to seniority (list will be posted) to prepare for procession. 
  • 队伍: 你会在传统健身房办理手续, 穿过诺沃格拉茨大楼, out to the walkway between the baseball and softball fields, to the Steinberg Athletic Complex (足球场).
  • 接待: Reception to immediately follow the Commencement Ceremony. 将提供茶点. If Commencement moves indoors, the Reception will be canceled.
  • 衣服: Apart from those noted above, faculty members will not be robed. 教师 members should dress in professional attire suitable for the solemnity and importance of the ceremony honoring our graduates. (Please refrain from wearing shorts, denim, flip-flops, and similar casual attire.) When planning your footwear, please keep in mind the weather, the walk, and the stairs.
  • 无论晴雨: 根据天气穿衣服! 雨水可能是一个因素. Please keep that in mind for headgear and footwear. 如有需要,我们会提供雨披.




  • 欢迎: 工作人员 in attendance are invited to join our families in the general seating area as well as at the reception following the ceremony.
  • 停车: 把车停在校园前面 92街的大门会打开.
  • 接待: Reception to immediately follow the Commencement Ceremony. 将提供茶点. If Commencement moves indoors, the Reception will be canceled.




  • 到达时间:上午8:30
  • 到达地点: Legacy Gym will be your base for breakfast, robing, and lining up.
  • 早餐: 提供早餐.
  • VIP停车场: 停车场将提供停车牌.
  • 排队: 9:30 AM— 受托人 and 董事会主席 follow faculty.
  • 队伍: 你会在传统健身房办理手续, 穿过诺沃格拉茨大楼, out to the walkway between the baseball and softball fields, to the Steinberg Athletic Complex (足球场).
  • 衣服: Robes will be provided for the executive board 只有. 受托人 should dress in professional attire suitable for the solemnity and importance of the ceremony. When planning your footwear, please keep in mind the weather, the walk, and the stairs.
  • 无论晴雨: 根据天气穿衣服! 雨水可能是一个因素. Please keep that in mind for headgear and footwear. 如有需要,我们会提供雨披.
  • 接待: Reception to immediately follow the Commencement Ceremony. 将提供茶点. If Commencement moves indoors, the Reception will be canceled.



早上8:00 - 9:00到达并提供早餐

早上8:45 - 9:15起床 (毕业生)

9:15 AM – 9:40 AM  Formation of processional line, head of the line at the connecting door to the Novogratz building, in order of appointment. Lists will be posted to aid in lining up.


  • Sr. 教师 Member (Michael Junsch ’71, P’94, ’95)
  • 教师 – assemble in pairs in the Legacy gym to Novogratz lobby
  • 董事会主席, 受托人, 约翰·兰金, michael Hershkovitz P ' 16, ’18, 部门负责人, Erika Freeman P ' 24, ’26, ’28, ’32, 迈克尔•罗宾逊, 安德里亚·德尔·瓦莱,29岁, ’33, Class of 2024 faculty/staff parents assemble in Novogratz lobby (dais seating)
  • Students – assemble in Novogratz Gym (supervised by deans)

上午9:40游行开始 -通过诺沃格拉茨大厅, out to and through the walkway between the baseball and softball fields to the Steinberg Athletic Complex field. (足球场).

队列是成对的. 教师 seating flanks the left and right sides of the dais, facing out to the graduates. 在球场上, 你走中间的通道,然后分开, with those on the left going to the left section and those on the right to the right section of seats

教师/工作人员/Trustee parents with grads 被邀请加入约翰·兰金, 受托人, and administrators onstage to step forward at the appropriate time to hand off their graduate’s diploma. 就阵容而言, you and other faculty/staff/parents of graduates will line up alphabetically behind the division heads, 跟着大家到讲台的座位上.

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